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IRSKIY is a digital illustrator currently based in a small town in Fenton, Michigan, USA, who’s responsible for creating these wild abstract illustrations.

When you start go thru his works you’ll soon find yourself digging into his cleverly build rabbit hole – his style is one way very wild and in your face direct but then all those cut shapes and forms mixed with strong colour palette creates interesting, straight lined series of entities which randomness will mesmerise and hold on to you.

In his own words he is inspired by architecture and music in the 1980s hence the heavy use of bright and bold colors. He enjoys looking at buildings and deconstructing it to their simplest form – rearranging them and applying vibrant colors that illustrates a ‘colorized blueprint’. His goal is to keep a consistent visual diary of all the buildings he interprets in his mind whilst exploring new approaches to his art.

For more of his color bombed madness visit his portfolio at www.irskiy.com