Moldovan born Christian Buruiana who goes by the artist name MENUMORTU lives and works in Groningen, Netherlands. Balancing his psychology studies, and inspired by Soviet era books and magazines he found at flea markets, Buruiana began making collages 2 years ago. Experimenting with perspectives of the human body, its distortions, movements, and gestures, Buruiana creates minimalistic collages with delicate compositions. His work plays with scale and proportions, limiting digital editing to a minimum, leaving the textures and marks visible in the final piece.
Like snapshots of times gone past, Buruianas work resembles the concept of memories where several events, feelings or notions overlap, creating strangely familiar visual scenes. Sometimes silly and humorous, at times confusing and complex – a collection of memories – real and imagined.
To dive further into the psyche of Menumortu, follow him on Facebook www.facebook.com/Menumortu/