Now featured Zé Vicente is an incredible talented street collagist who lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil. I remember seeing his work for the first time when he sent his submissions for the Cults of Life -zine. I have to admit that my first reaction was bit reserved but then the idea started to open up and I was totally sold.
Wile others take their cutouts and clippings and build the collage on a paper or cardboard, he takes them and uses the city as his canvas – cleverly placed cutouts in potholes, wall structures and gaps in the walls and the usage of the different ground surfaces creates very influential and bold line of collages. It’s very interesting how the constantly changing structures and living surroundings adds so much more depth into the stories made just from the simple pieces of paper… And even if looked from the pictures, I can only imagine how amazing they are in real life.
Check out more of his brilliance at http://cargocollective.com/zevicente/street-collage