HOK: Quizas

HOK, currently LA-based Emmy winning choreographer, decided to do something bit different to create this stunning dance video. After designing and shooting the dance routine like in any other case the movement designer took the process to the famous next level – he printed every single frame and cut out the dancing figures. For the final, 3:21 minute long video he had to cut about 4300 sheets of paper. I admire his determination because that’s a hell of a lot of paper to cut… After cutting he photographed the cut-outs on wanted surroundings and edited the final stop-motion video. He counted that the whole process took 300 hours from creation to completion. 

But the video speaks for itself, it’s a stunning example of ambitious creative thinking mixed with bold self-challenging. The outcome is truly beautifully executed entity – despite the stop-motion technique and hand-cut source material the dance and dancers’ body movement stays so smooth and natural. I love how the video’s certain unperfect handmade atmosphere and brilliant the usage of different camera angles and shooting distances keeps me mesmerized until the end.

After the actual video, I recommend watching the Behind the Scenes -clip… I can so feel his words when he describes the process.