Who are you, and how are you doing?
My name is Nadia Radic, and at one point, I imagined I would become a full-time photographer, but that didn’t happen. I reached a point where I enjoyed photo editing more than actually taking photos. So, when the pandemic arrived, I had no choice but to put away my beloved Canon and, during an enforced pause, take time for introspection and a personal search to find my visual identity.
I must say I’m grateful to have discovered photography in the first place because it somehow led me to my true passion: collage. In my case, it’s a digital collage. I’ve explored analog collage as well, but I can’t deny my love for the digital medium.
Some time ago, my husband and I decided to leave the big city and move to the mountains of San Luis, Argentina, with our dog and our cats. It’s been quite an adventure transitioning from the noise of the city to listening to birds chirping all day in the countryside.
What are you doing/working on at this moment?
I currently work for an illustrators’ agency, which allows me to engage in various editorial projects on different topics all the time. This makes the work incredibly interesting because, to capture the idea or concept, imagination becomes my main tool—and it plays a crucial role in the process.

What inspires you the most at this moment?
At all times, I would say, music is my greatest source of inspiration. It often happens that while enjoying a movie or series, I get lost in a melody and completely drift away. The same happens with a phrase I hear or find in my poetry or literature books. I’m also fascinated by reading artist biographies—I love learning how the artists I admire became who they are or were. All of this eventually becomes the inspiration for a collage because it turns into a need to express it in that way.
What’s your favourite personal work at this moment?
Well, I couldn’t say I have a favorite. I’ve almost always had the freedom to work and feel comfortable with every piece I create. On a personal level, I’ve been able to experiment and develop different techniques, creating things for myself that I find interesting, which later allow me to expand professionally. That’s why it’s hard to choose—everything I create is made with one premise in mind: Does this represent me? Does it truly express what I want to say? If the answer is yes, great! And if not, I allow myself to erase and start over.
Any future plans/happenings you want to share?
I would describe myself as a bit anxious, but since I never know what project will come next, the only thing I can do is create—and keep creating. Above all, I do it because I believe there’s nothing better than dedicating ourselves to what we love, and I feel fortunate to be able to do so.
There’s a quote by Henry Miller that says, “One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.” So, I simply look forward to the future, hoping to discover those new ways of facing it.
Go and follow Nadia on Instagram, @nadia_radic