Quick Hello -series introduces you artists’ latest happenings and greetings.

Quick Hello -series introduces you artists’ latest happenings and greetings.
Give me a Xerox printer and I’ll blow your mind…
All the colors in the word but still hunting for more…
Sometimes life puts such a life-changing crossroads in front of you…
One portion of awesome colors mixed together with a portion of a vivid alignment and you got a visual ecstasy…
Petri Suni is a multidisciplinary creative, illustrator, graphic design teacher, and visual artist to name his escapades, living and working in Helsinki, Finland. I love how his abstract collages explode in front of your eyes yet the stories are vailed on a hazy atmosphere. I tried to think how to describe them and I think they are very dream-like, you know, subconscious…
Sometimes you can just let the paper pieces dance and find their places by themselves…
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who got the coolest shapes of them all?